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Your Guide to Building a Personalized Development Plan

When you invest in your team members, you invest in your mission.

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Walking you through personalized employee development, step by step. 

At Leadr, we’re firm believers that a leader is more than just the person in charge. We believe everyone is a leader even if they are not the leader, and it's our goal to help you develop each person on your team to reach their highest capacity.

We created this eBook to distill the process of helping each team member with their best next step towards development. 

The guide will show you:

  • The purpose of a PDP & how to implement them effectively
  • A template to get you started mapping out PDPs
  • The 4 types of growth plans
  • How to measure the effectiveness of a PDP

Download a copy to get started.

Fill out the form to download your free guide to effective personalized development plans.

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