The 101 of 1:1 Meetings
12 tips to more effective 1:1 meetings

The one question we’re asked more than any other at Leadr is “how can I have more effective 1:1 meetings.”
The truth is, our 1:1 meetings always have room for improvement. That’s why each Monday in our weekly all staff meeting, our CEO and Co-founder, Matt Tresidder, shares a 1:1 meeting tip to help us continuously work towards more intentional 1:1 meetings.
Sign up to receive Matt’s weekly tip, and follow along to join us in leading better through 1:1 meetings.
Over the next 12 weeks, you’ll get tips on:
- The ideal cadence and length for 1:1 meetings
- 1:1 meeting topic suggestions
- Statistics on the most effective 1:1 meeting structures
- And tips on prioritizing people over projects for a more engaged team
Let’s get started on our journey to better 1:1 meetings.